Wednesday, August 5, 2015


As posted to


As stated in previous columns, responsible researchers have encountered various types of FULL ALIENS walking among us, as well as other individuals who understand that they are a mixture of alien and human, and thus are tagged as HYBRIDS.   As a researcher, I too, have encountered, and remain in contact with Iowa hybrids who are aware of their origin.
So, as we interact with our fellow planetary inhabitants, we might find ourselves needing to consider the following street-walking visitors from elsewhere:
NATURALLY HUMAN LOOKING FULL ALIENS able to circulate without  attracting attention, unless they see a need to identify themselves to individuals or groups.
FULL ALIENS ABLE TO PRESENT THEIR VERY ALIEN APPEARING SELF in an alternative, (and thus comfortably acceptable) human form, to other planetary citizens and thus are able to circulate without attracting attention, unless they see a need to identify themselves to individuals or groups.
I need to pause here for a bit and talk about these two types of full aliens before tackling the LATE STAGE HYBRID category mentioned in the first paragraph (which appears to be the product of the mingling/splicing of alien and human genes).
There seem to be numerous reasons why full aliens have landed on this beautiful (but backwater) planet.  When they make themselves known by approaching and purposely communicating with human contactees, full aliens have often shown their close observance of how we humans operate, and their willingness to point out how we can better maintain this planet as a habitable living environment.  They’ve often tried to educate us by providing information, sometimes onboard ship, sometimes deliberately meeting with us in our own environment in every-day life, “on-the-street,” so to speak.
Specifically, they’ve talked about their (to us) superior technology, touching on such subjects as their ability to render their vehicles translucent, and to be invisible as they hover overhead.  They’ve taken us through walls with apparent ease.  They’ve taken us through “time distortion” episodes when lengthy interaction took place, yet there was “no missing linear time.”  They’ve talked a lot about what’s involved in their advanced propulsion, and they’ve made references to their use of other dimensions.  And, most important of all, they have repeatedly warned about HUMAN MIS-USE OF ENERGY ON THIS PLANET, and the possible non-survival of the human species.  (Even the seemingly EXPLOITATIVE abducting aliens who manifest intense interest in the human reproductive system, may (as part of their agenda) be involved in a long-term human-species-survival project.)
All of which can lead us to examine in greater depth how we view ourselves in relationship to our fellow creatures, and to our planet.
Now, let’s talk about LATE STAGE HYBRIDS circulating among us, who appear to be the product of the mingling/splicing of alien and human genes.  Current earthly science is heavily involved in what could be termed “transgenics;” although we may be more familiar with the term, GMO, the acronym for “genetically modified,” that is, the splicing of a gene from one species into the genetic material of a different species.  Consider the examples of a tomato with genes of a salmon, or a pig born with multiple human genes in its liver, heart and kidneys.  An interesting discussion of transgenics can be found in Budd Hopkins and Carol Rainey’s book, SIGHT UNSEEN, which is the product of many years of UFO abduction research.
According to another long-time abduction researcher, David Jacobs, Ph.D (now retired from Temple University), alien-human hybrids are produced in stages.  That is, from “early stage hybrids,” to “late stage hybrids.” This reproductive scenario involves what appears to be very NON-TRADITIONAL TWO-PARENT REPRODUCTION.  To put it in simple terms, Dr. Jacobs indicates a beginning early stage hybrid as the result of a full alien and a full human parent, with many subsequent reproductive steps leading on to the late stage hybrid stage we may find ourselves encountering in our everyday lives.  And when Dr. Jacobs – in his book, entitled, THE THREAT – points to the many breeding steps along the way from early to late stage hybrids, this is borne out by the many abductees (in Iowa, as elsewhere) who have been brought onboard to temporarily interact with babies in various hybrid stages, as the babies’ growth continues to be fostered on-board.
As mentioned above, I have been long acquainted with some late- stage Iowa hybrids.  My interaction with these good folks has been extensive, and always includes a big (seriously stated) dose of:  SO YOU’RE A HYBRID – SO WHAT!
Whether we’re fully human, or whether we’re alien-human hybrid, it seems apparent to me that we are ALL here for the same purpose:  to be as creative as possible in our relationship to our fellow citizens, and to exercise nurturing stewardship of this planet.  So what really matters – whether we’re full aliens, hybrids, or fully human – is that we ALL find ourselves  living for the greater good of both on-and-off earth dwellers,  be they human, hybrid, or full alien.
“What’s on My Radar” is a regular column about UFOs written by Beverly Trout.  Beverly approaches the subject of UFOs from the twin perspectives of investigator for over 22 years for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and also from the perspective of her own interaction with UFO occupants.
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©Copyrighted Beverly Trout 2015