Saturday, October 4, 2014

Karen Craft, Inter-species Telepathic Communicator

Thursday night, I listened to my first professional pet psychic, Karen Craft.  Her business card shows her as an Inter-species Telepathic Communicator.  She said many people call her a pet psychic but she prefers, pet communicator. 

As part of her introducing our speaker, Bev recalled the time when Karen consulted with Bev’s neighbor dog, Muffy.  Muffy had started doing his business in the house and Karen was brought in to see why.  Karen found out that the neighbor on the other side had a new dog that intimidated Muffy when he was outside.  The answer was simple when Karen helped Muffy “communicate” what was troubling him. 
Karen took a break through class at Spring Farm in Missouri,   Spring Farm has animals that participate in the pet communication process.  When asked what language she spoke, Amber, the donkey, told her that she speaks all languages which are really universal impulses or energies that are translated, telepathic communication.  Some times that is received by the pet communicator as mental pictures, voices or a knowing from the heart or love energy.

Her consulting practice works in person or by phone.  She calls it a 3 way hook up; I thought it sounded like a party line.  In Karen’s experience, people may think that some animals are dumb, but rather she says it has more to do with their interest level, not intelligence.  Many people believe a smaller brain indicates less intelligence; she had an example of how small our computers have become and we don’t consider them to be less intelligent.  I liken animal communication to what I have heard about how to talk to angels or the universe.  For example, you tell the dog, don’t jump.  He hears, jump, so he jumps.  It is like The Law of Attraction.  Ask for what you want to attract, don’t focus on the negative or the not or don’t.

After hearing her discuss her conversations with animals and listening to her do readings in the audience, I am not sure about pet communication.  But this would be true of me about anything that I have not personally experienced.  I may think too much about it.  My truth is so far, I don’t know.  It sounded to me like she was anthropomorphizing the animals’ part of the communication.  She talked about scratching the head of a pug and as she started to scratch down his back, he asked her to go back to scratching his head.  Perhaps my ego said, “Well duh.”  In another example, she said her cat liken animal telepathy to the internet. That got me really thinking.  I felt my BS meter start to go up.  And then I thought more about it, I do believe that non-verbal communication from angels, from God, from deceased family comes through as symbols or emotions that have to be read through the receiver’s filter system.  Then it started to be more believable to me.

One thing really caught my attention about road kill.  When I see road kill, I always say a prayer in my head.  Karen said she did the same and told a story about her dog, Angel, at home being uncomfortable coming into the house because of all the raccoon spirits she had brought home.  I now have changed my prayer to include sending their spirits to the light of God.  After she invited all her house guests to go to the light and now Angel gladly comes back into the house, Karen shared her non-public motto, “Dam this shit works!”  I clapped at that but refrained from the arm/fist pumping.

A lady from the audience emotionally talked about her deceased parents’ dog frequently going back to the adjacent family farmstead.  It pained her that the dog was grieving for her parents.  I liked it when Karen explained that perhaps the dog went back because the farm was familiar and perhaps her family was still hanging around so it was more of a visit with old friends.

Another question was about consuming animals.  I was impressed with how she handled this emotional and controversial topic with this audience.  She shared that animals understand their purpose and reincarnation.  Karen recalled talking to a dairy cow who asked her, “Have you had your mild today?”  My take away was that animals raised organically, humanely are our way of showing our respect and gratitude for their service. 

From my perspective, the discussion revolved around energy and it is the language we communicate with.  Karen spoke about how like energies attract and that is how animals pick you.  In my life, we were choosing between 2 Standard Poodles and our dog, Buckaroo, sat down on my friend’s foot while the other dog hung around the breeder.   He made it easy to choose him, after he chose us.

Something similar happened when we went to look at Maine Coon kittens.  When we walked into the breeder’s home, a big 1 year old male came to me and I picked him up and held him while we got the tour.  He had some health issues so he was not for sale.  I see it more clearly now.  His name was Hicklory Dickory Doc.  I had recently lost my favorite Uncle Doc.  Now he is called Doc and he doesn't like to be picked up. 

We stepped into the nursery when the breeder kept her kittens and a ball of fur came flying out from under the kennels and started to play with us.  The others cowered in safety.  We had recently lost an 18 year old cat named Blaze (a stripe down the middle of her face).  This kitten had a blaze on her face.  Coincidence?  We didn't think so and immediately knew she was for us.  We named her Sukie after a character in the Witches of Eastwick.

Animals and energy make sense.  Karen shared her energetic way of clearing the road.  She telepathically tells the “critters” to stay off the road and sweeps her hand back and forth, especially when she sees a deer crossing sign.

I’m not sure that pet communication isn't a lot like human communication.  We all rely to some extent on our intuitive responses to verbal and non-verbal communication we receive.  Personally, when I get the “silent treatment” or when the words conflict with my gut, I have to use different skills to figure out what is going on. 

Perhaps it is the language of love.

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