Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Alpha-Stim Experience - Session 1

I have had chronic insomnia for many years.  I believe it was triggered by premenopausal hormone changes….but what really isn’t caused by hormone changes in your body?

I have been chasing sleep by trying everything I have heard on Dr. Oz, various books, various over the counter drugs, supplements, prescriptions, sleep hypnosis, meditation, pillows, essential oils, foods……a very long list.

I heard a man speak who researches indigenous shamanic practices from all over the world.  The man is fascinating to listen to.  He told a story this night of helping a young boy by using an Alpha-Stim machine.  He also mentioned that the machine had positive effect on anxiety, depression and insomnia.  I left that night and could not get it out of my head and was determined to try it.

About a week ago, we had an appointment and my husband witnessed my Alpha-Stim experience.  There is a bunch of stuff on the Internet about the Alpha-Stim machine that you can browse through.  The Alpha-Stim is controversial like so many alternative healing methods….so you need to figure out what is in your highest good.  It is also called cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES).  I was hooked up to the machine with ear clip electrodes that had been moistened with a conducting solution. 

In retrospect, I know I was anxious and had very high expectations about the session and I believe like so many things I have learned on my spiritual path….the  self-induced pressure (anxiety and high expectations) is not the most helpful to me and in some ways derails my progress.  In my own defense, I am also aware that there is a placebo effect….belief systems can support powerful healings…and it is also my understanding that pharmaceutical companies know about this and it plays a part in their studies.

Back to the session…I was hooked up in a seated position.  When the machine was turned on, I felt a gentle pressure on my earlobes and the feeling alternated between the ear lobes….and that is how the how session went.  I felt my body starting to sway back and forth and I opened my eyes to find out that the feeling was just in my head because my body was stationary, not swaying in my seat.  I could actually visualize an infinity sign between my ears….that is how the energy felt as it went back and forth.  

Immediately, at the onset of the session, I felt calmer with less anxiety.  I call it my woo-saw feeling.  It is very similar to the feeling I get when I close my eyes after a couple glasses of wine but without the hangover.  The feeling was very pleasant and I could have done it all afternoon. 

When I slow down and try to sleep, my brain is flooded with thoughts…generally stressful, like things to do, things I have done or should have done, pretty self-critical stuff.  During the session, it seemed the thoughts were much slower and more manageable…which is very similar to when I try to meditate, I can’t clear my mind and focus on nothing and difficulty just focusing on my breath.  This is where I tended to focus on my expectations…how much I wanted this session to cure all my ills, my insomnia, etc.  I think now that if I could have just allowed the session to do it’s thing, rather than mine, that it would have been more productive….that is what I learned from session 1.

It is my plan to have more sessions, perhaps buy a machine for home use.  There are many testimonials where people have used the alpha-stim machine and have had good results after using it during the day and it helps initiate and maintain sleep.  It is my understanding that they use it for several weeks to months and then stop as their insomnia lessons.

Stay tuned as I get more sessions.

1 comment:

  1. As a followup, I did get an alpha-stim machine. I use it almost every night. I find the gentle swaying that the machine produces calming.

    I use it as part of my new sleep protocol at night. Between the alpha-stim and my grounding mat, I no longer define myself by my sleep issues.
