Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tarot for Yourself, the 3 Card Spread

To get myself back into the mindset of reading tarot cards, I am doing a daily 3 card spread the night before and asking,  "What do I need to know about tomorrow?"  And then making notes in the notebook giving myself some feedback on what happened related to the images I had gotten the night before.

I am using one of Mary Greer's tarot manual, Tarot for Yourself....excellent reference.  Was highly recommended by my tarot teacher, who I think is one of the most fascinating people I have ever met.  Although I do not generally like the term crone (applied to me) because it takes me back to my Disney days...this lady has a crone sticker on the back of her car and it really elder, wise one.

I have been doing it since Monday (2 nights. 6 cards) and I think it is interesting that I have gotten my Personality card and my Soul card, 2 nines, 2 Earth cards...out of 6 cards.

Coincidence, I think not.

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