Thursday, May 29, 2014

Maya Angelou

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."

- Maya Angelou

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Edith Wharton

"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
- Edith Wharton

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Conformity...yes or no?

I received a big poke from the universe today.  I find that when I keep alert to themes as they come across my radar…it is my guidance system speaking to me.

I have a bit of ADHD when I watch antennae TV ….and I channel surf.  This morning I got a small segment from Leave it to Beaver….that was about the son changing his hair style because the parents were worried about what other people might think.  Second, was Glen Beck shouting on the radio, “DON’T CONFORM!”  And third, as I was driving through Starbucks to get my daily latte, the guy at the drive thru looked at my dog in the back seat and said, “Is that a poodle?  I’ve never a seen a standard poodle like that.”  I explained he was a poodle with a mohawk haircut and a colorful neck bandana and his name was Buckaroo....a poodle with an attitude.

As I ponder what to take from these events, I hear a common theme hitting my radar…..about conformity.  My essence has always screamed Non-Conformity as almost a means of survival.  So my take for me is to confirm non-conformity, and reaffirm being my own unique self…. 

Shakespeare suggested the same to all of us, “To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”

Monday, May 5, 2014


Based on the conferences on the Art of Blessing given
by yoga professor Gregorian Bivolaru
The world exists, from a certain point of view, to awaken the faith in God in us.  The Art of Blessing is the first essential step which the human being can take towards God.  If the Art of Blessing awakens the faith in God in us in the beginning, through persevering practice of this extraordinary spiritual method we can “melt” into God, merging with Him completely.  This initiation is unique in the world and we consider it to be an extraordinary revelation for the whole of humanity.

In the beginning it is enough to believe that God exists, or at least to have the inner openness to practice the Art of Blessing.  That is sufficient for this “grain” to develop through the Art of Blessing to reveal an overwhelming splendor.  When we reach ecstatic fusion with God, we understand that He is everything, He is the only One who truly exists.  In a state of spiritual ecstasy, Samadhi, we see nothing but God, we also forget about ourselves because God is everything. The Art of Blessing makes us understand that the Divine Grace moments are not occasional. They are expressions of necessity and can be triggered exactly when we wish as a consequence of the Art of Blessing.

The energy of blessing results from the Supreme Divine Energy and bestows on us Supreme Grace, deriving from the Supreme Divine Spirit which exists beyond the three worlds (physical, astral, causal). The fundamental revelations realized by Sri Yuktesvar and unveiled to Yogananda – presented in the book “Autobiography of a yogi” – about God-ness, the world beyond, the physical, astral, causal worlds are fundamental to understand the Divine Laws on which the Art of Blessing is based.

Please read the following articles to understand what the Art of Blessing is, how it is practiced and the effects for both the person who performs the blessing and for the blessed one:
Read also:
> The fundamental key of the Art of Blessing The Art of Blessing allows the Supreme Energy, which is beyond existence and non-existence, to flow over the person. It derives directly from the Almighty sphere of the Eternal Divine Spirit of God The Father. There is nothing in the Universe equal or above it. It is almighty, ubiquitous,…
> Conditions for success and obstacles The main conditions to successfully practice the Art of Blessing are the following: • great faith in God;     • love for God;        • a clear and profound understanding of the divine processes that start in the moment of blessing; • a genuine state of humility and abnegation;• awakening and…
> The Effects of Blessing The Art of Blessing leads to: the manifestation of Divine Energy through us. This connects us to eternity, the Almighty, the sacred, divine ecstasy, spiritual freedom, the Father’s Kingdom, the mysteries of the divine play, pure and overwhelming love, spiritual intuition of the existence…
> Technique for the Art of Blessing The steps for the technique of Blessing are listed below: We focus internally, both mentally and spiritually; We point our attention, our soul and our emotions only towards God the Father, as this inner attitude is essential; We focus our attention at the level of Anahata Chakra…
> Recommended Posture for Blessing The recommended position is standing (both the blessed and the blessing one), with the spine straight, and the right arm lifted and as relaxed as possible. The right palm is about 20 cm away from the shoulder; fingers are open and slightly curved as for catching a ball. You should adopt this…
> Formulas used in the Art of Blessing The formula used when we ask for a Blessing (said internally):“O Lord, our Heavenly Father, I beg You full of humbleness, if this human being named … (the baptist name or names are said) deserves, bless him/her, bestowing upon him/her, through me, Your Supreme Grace. Thy Will Be Done. Amen.”The…
> Profound spiritual effects The person who practices the Art of Blessing:       1. Gradually reaches a level of child-like simplicity and purity. This entails the elimination of everything that is useless, meaningless in our life; gaining instead the richness of a deified life.       2. Experiences the complete joy…
> Additional observations Through the Art of Blessing we can say we can find out the true “opinion” God has about the person we bless. Thus we can correct any absurdities we might think/feel about certain people. The energy which manifests every time we practice the Art of Blessing is specific to the person we…
> The correlation between the Law of Synchronicity and the Art of Blessing Sometimes we feel inspired (zones of synchronicity-harmony, significant coincidences), sometimes we do not (zones of turbulence). In moments of synchronicity, everything is fluid; people, gestures and objects appear exactly at the right time and place. This harmony that seems to come from…
> Divine Law and Blessing

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Kahlil Gibran

"In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, for in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."

- Kahlil Gibran