Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Energy Lab Notes from 5/14/2013

Crystal or Stone Meditation
Preparation:  clean the room by smudging (or diffuse essential oil ) with sage, clean your hands (then perhaps apply essential oil like sage or lavender), create your intention or project what atmosphere you want to create (or manifest) where you are going to meditate. 
Choose a crystal/stone and oils that will enhance what you want to create.  A clear quartz is a good choice to increase your frequency and clear chakras. 
Sit down with your feet on the floor and hands on your lab.  Tip: sit on the edge of your seat, straighten your back, pull your shoulders back and allow you head to drop or bow….to align your chakras.
Put your crystal or stone in front of you (we used a table), clear your head and breathe deeply for about 5 minutes.
Next, either hold your crystal in front of you or cup it without touching.  Alternatively, hold your crystal in your left hand which is direct connection to your heart chakra….depending on what you want to manifest or create.
Breathe deeply.  Gather up and send any tension or negative energy to flow out of you and into the crystal on the out breath.  On the in breath, draw in peace and harmony from your stone or whatever the particular attribute of the crystal is that you have selected.
Open your heart to the crystal and ask the crystal for any messages or guidance…then breathe and be still and be open and aware. 
If you have specific questions, you might want to either hold the crystal or while cupped, ask your questions.  This works a lot like pendulum dowsing…so you need to figure out how to interpret the answers (which may be unique for you).  You might get energy pulses up your left arm for yes, right arm for no, and a up and down feeling (like a pulse from your base chakra to your third eye) for I don’t know.
Once you have what you need, gaze at the crystal and take your eyes out of focus.  Keep breathing in peace and harmony.  Again be open to the messages you will receive.
You will know when you are done.  I said a little prayer of gratitude and slowly brought myself back to awake and alert.
Right after you are done is a good time to journal what you felt, what you sensed, your impressions, etc and any messages or images.

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