Friday, May 17, 2013

Fibonacci Number

On May 8th, as my husband and I were driving to work, we were behind a truck with the license plate, 320 YES.  In Iowa, there usually 3 alpha and 3 numeric characters and they can be on either side of the plate….and generally they don’t make words.
So we were wondering what “320 YES” meant….if it were a vanity plate.  We finally figured out that maybe the plate was a message for us.  Hum…….
We made a right turn and the truck went straight.  The very next car that passed us to the left had a license plate of “312 WHY”.  So if the universe or the Super Consciousness is sending us messages, what do the plates mean?
We turned left in a couple of blocks and the car’s plate coming toward us was, “ANY 571”.
The license plates were an incredible exception to the norm.  I have to believe that coincidences don’t happen….things have meaning….but what?
I have been trying to noodle what this all meant and then Saturday we meet in a small group to discuss spiritual/metaphysical topics.  We don’t have any set speaker or topic, it is always potluck. 
I put my license plate experience out to the group.  Steve mentioned that 5/18/13 was a Fibonacci number.  As I researched what a Fibonacci number is, I was lead to Fibonacci numbers being used in Pyramid lore and I was picking up a book on pyramids that day from Beverly because we want to build one in our yard.  Another coincidence (Not!).
I still don’t know what it all means but Universe, I am listening.

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